What happens in a paediatric occupational therapy assessment?

Written by Nushabah Zakir Updated 4 years ago

You may have received a referral from your paediatrician for an occupational therapy assessment. Or you’re simply wondering whether occupational therapy is the right fit for your child. There are a few things you need to know before going into a paediatric occupational therapy assessment. Occupational therapists focus on enabling individuals to participate in activities that are meaningful to them. For children, occupational therapists are concerned with skills including self care (eating, toileting, dressing, brushing teeth etc.), play, self-regulation, academics and social skills.

A paediatric occupational therapy assessment starts with an interview with a parent or guardian. During this interview, the occupational therapist will enquire about areas of concerns for your child. The occupational therapist will ask questions about your child’s independence with self care (brushing teeth, dressing etc.), gross motor (balance etc.), fine motor, visual motor and/or visual perceptual skills, play skills and self-regulation abilities. The information you provide during the interview will help the occupational therapist in choosing the most suitable assessment tools in the next portion of the assessment.

Following the interview, the occupational therapist will spend time observing your child performing different activities and tasks to determine his/her developmental skill level.

Skills that may be evaluated

  • Self-care skills (brushing teeth, eating, dressing etc.)
  • Gross motor skills (balance, strength etc.)
  • Fine motor skills (colouring, cutting, printing)
  • Self Regulation
  • Social Skills (initiating interactions, turn taking etc.)
  • Visual motor/ and or visual perceptual skills
  • Sensory Preferences (touch, movement, oral motor, emotional regulation, behaviour etc.)


Why choose Swift Health occupational therapists?

  • We come to you. Assessment and treatments are provided in the home and or school
  • We don’t charge a travel fee
  • OTs with extensive experience working with children diagnosed with a variety of medical and developmental challenges

Our OTs are Registered Autism Service Providers (RASP)

If you would like more information or to book a paediatric occupational therapy assessment, please contact us at info@swifthealth.ca or 604-800-5542.

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