Fun activities to improve a child’s visual motor integration
Written by
Nushabah Zakir
Updated 4 years ago
Visual motor integration or hand-eye coordination describes our ability to coordinate our hand/body movements with our vision including fine motor activities (e.g. beading) and gross motor activities (e.g. throwing/catching a ball). Academic skills such as printing and cutting require well-developed Visual Motor Integration skills.
Try these fun activities to improve your child’s visual motor integration:
- Throwing and catching a ball
- Throwing balls through a tunnel or through a friend’s legs, into a bin/bucket, etc.
- Bouncing a ball
- Targeting games: Beanbag toss, horseshoes, marbles, water balloons, bowling, etc.
- Construction games such as Lego, K’nex
- “board games such as “Operation”, Lite Brite
- craft activities such as lacing cards, stringing beads, paper folding
- Tracing over lines before coloring
- Mazes, dot-to-dot activities
- Cutting activities