Five tips you can use when toilet training a child with Autism
Written by
Nushabah Zakir
Updated 4 years ago
Toilet training a child with Autism (ASD)
Toilet training can be challenging for any child, and it can especially be challenging for a child with Autism. There are many reasons as to why it takes a child with Autism longer to learn to use the toilet. Some of these reasons may include:
- Has difficulty understanding and using language
- Afraid of hearing the toilet flush
- Has difficulty pulling pants up and down
- May not be aware that he/she need to go or that his/her clothes are wet or soiled
Five tips you can use when toilet training a child with Autism:
- Make a visual schedule to show your child each step of the toilet trip
- Identify rewards
- Stick to a schedule and ensure you create a time for when toileting is practiced in and outside the house
- Use the same words about toileting
- Make sure everyone involved with your child is using the same toileting routine and language
Swift Health Occupational Therapists
If your child has difficulties with toilet training, it is recommended that they consult with an occupational therapist. Swift Health has occupational therapists available to assist with toilet training, please contact us at info@swifthealth.ca or 604-800-5542.