Written by
Nushabah Zakir
Updated 4 years ago
- Complete puzzles and play board games while your child is lying on the floor on their stomach
- Play “row row row your boat” with your child. In a sitting position with your child (facing each other), reach out and hold hands in front of your bodies and begin to alternatively push and pull so that your upper bodies are rocking back and forth.
- Play “bridges” with your child. Have your child keep his knees and feet together while lifting the buttocks off the ground. Then drive toy vehicles under the “bridge”. Ensure your child is keeping their head and shoulders on the ground.
- Play “superman” with your child. Have your child lay on their stomach on the floor and lift their arms and legs off the floor. You can make it more fun by having your child pop bubbles just above and in front of their head.
- Play “wheelbarrow walking” with your child. Have your child lay on their stomach on the floor. Hold the child’s ankles and have them walk with their hands forward. You can make it more fun by having them put a beanbag or a ball in a basket and then walk backwards using their hands to retrieve another beanbag or ball.
Nushabah Zakir M.Sc.
Occupational Therapist